What Are Main Types of Dentures and Which One Fits You?
Posted on 3/15/2024 by Weo Admin
When you have lost one or multiple teeth due to advanced gum disease, trauma, or any other issues, you may wonder what the best restorative method for your teeth is. Dentures are popular dental tools available on the market that help replace missing teeth. There are different types of dentures available in the market, and they include:
Complete Dentures
Complete dentures are useful in replacing a whole arch of missing teeth. A denture is placed on the roof of your mouth for support. We use an adhesive to ensure that the appliances sit firmly on your gums and offer the best results. These dentures come with artificial teeth and with a special gum-colored base.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures are useful when you have several missing teeth. These dental tools also rely on the underlying gums and bones for adequate support. They have some clasps that we hook around the adjacent natural teeth to offer better stability.
Immediate Dentures
In some instances, you may require tooth extraction before wearing either full or partial dentures. Immediate dentures are worn immediately after teeth extraction. They are temporary appliances, and once you heal, we will replace them with the final dentures.
Implant-Retained Dentures
Implant-retained dentures do not rely on your gums or jawbone for support. Rather, they make use of dental implants. Implants are posts that we place on your jawbone and work similarly to the roots of your teeth. Just like the other types of dentures, these types are also removable. What makes them outstanding is that they offer better stability compared to the others.
Implant-Supported Dentures
These types of dentures are permanently fixed in your mouth and are not removable. These tools help to replace multiple teeth, and they do not sit on your gums but are attached to the dental implants. They offer better stability and help you chew and speak in the right manner.
There are different types of dentures available in the dental market. We will help you select the best one for you, depending on your needs.
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