How Often Should You Have Us Check on the Status of Your Dentures?
Posted on 8/1/2024 by Dallas Prosthodontics
Patients who have either partial dentures or full dentures must visit the clinic regularly. This is because for dentures to work effectively, they must fit properly. Many patients often end up overusing their bonding adhesive when their dentures no longer fit. The loose-fitting dentures cause pain, discomfort as well as difficulties in chewing and speaking. Therefore, we recommend that you visit us at least once every year to have us check on the status of your dentures. Here's why.
It's Good for Your Oral Health
As an adult, your gums and bones, like every other part of your body, deteriorate in strength and mass as you get older. Although this change is gradual, it affects the fit of your dentures. Your jaws also lose bone mass more rapidly due to the loss of tooth roots to feed them nutrients and vitamins. The loss in bone mass causes the dentures to get loose and start hanging on the jaws instead of fixing them. Loose-fitting dentures also cause injury to the gums due to friction and improper contact in some parts. These injuries then become openings for bacteria to enter the gums. Once inside, the bacteria will spread and cause damage to both the gums and the jawbone. When you visit our offices, our professionals will be able to adjust your dentures and make the necessary changes early enough to avoid such problems. We will also conduct a check on your natural teeth for those that have partial dentures.
Do Not Wait Until Something Goes Wrong
Now that you know how frequently you should come for a checkup on your dentures, you should not wait until your annual checkup comes if something is wrong. If you feel your dentures have loosened or some pain on your gums, we recommend you come to our offices as soon as you can. Contact us for more information regarding the status of your dentures.
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