Posted on (not posted yet) by Dr. Castellon |
Jane's SituationJane had dry mouth and severe adult periodontitis. She was aware of her condition and wanted to eliminate the "patch-up" dental work she had received. She was not proud of her smile and felt embarrassed about the condition of her teeth. The current removable partial denture was not stable or aesthetically pleasing and she could not function comfortably. he also had a severe lack of maxillary lip support and, due to excessive bone loss, she had excessive interocclusal space.Prosthodontic Treatment PlanAs prosthodontists, we have experience planning multi-stage treatment plans over several months, sometimes years. The diagnoses were maxillary and mandibular partial edentulism with periodontitis. Her treatment included:
A set of immediate maxillary and mandibular complete dentures were fabricated a delivered on the day of surgery. Multiple visits were needed during the healing phase to apply soft tissue liners and counseling on proper maintenance. Once the implants had integrated, we delivered a primary bar with 5 locator attachments, an overdenture, and a two-implant locator overdenture. The ResultsShe was very satisfied with the result since we were able to replace all of her teeth, give her lip support, a stable highly functional and esthetic prostheses. She understands that the Removable Implant-Supported Restoration requires specific hygienic care and maintenance. We sent her back to the referring doctor's office for regular hygiene visits, noting in her situation t o come to our office for an annual exam and maintenance of the removable prostheses.Do you have a patient in Jane's situation? Or another complex case?If you have any questions or would like to work together on a case, give our office a call at (972) 503-7200 or email us at info@dallasprosthodontics.com. We will take great care of the patient and keep you informed. Dental professionals refer to us as The Complex Case Specialists™ because we perform complex cases every day.Want to read supplementary research and learn more about our practice? Read the full publication here. |