Possible Consequences for Waiting Too Long for a Dental Procedure
Posted on 6/6/2022 by Dr. Castellon
It is recommended that you see a dentist every six months; however, sometimes life gets a little busy. Perhaps you have no time or the cost is hindering you from reaching out to a dental specialist. It could also be that you fear getting your wisdom teeth extracted. Avoiding a dentist could lead to very uncomfortable dental conditions or the treatment could be very costly. Here is what might happen if you wait for a long time to have dental treatment.
Several things could cause an infection in the mouth including gum disease or periodontitis. Signs include bad breath, and tender, bleeding gums. Food particles and debris trapped in the mouth can cause irritation, inflammation, as well as infection around your gum line. As a result, you may have tooth decay occurring around the area where food is trapped. You may also suffer from gingivitis, the lesser form of gum disease. If left unchecked, gingivitis or gum inflammation can progress to periodontitis, which is more difficult to treat. Your teeth become unstable and could fall off over time.
Poor oral hygiene and food debris in the mouth are culprits for tooth decay or cavities. Keeping up with your dental hygiene routine at home and seeing a dentist regularly helps prevent tooth decay. You should not put off seeing a dentist if you have signs of decay such as a bad smell, or brown patches on the teeth.
Root Canal
Much worse than the cavity is the damage occurring on the tooth' root. If the decay continues to a point where the root pulp gets exposed, you may need a root canal procedure. A root pulp is the sensitive inner tissue in a tooth where you find blood vessels and nerves. Sadly, when tooth decay reaches this area of the tooth, it prompts a dentist to remove the root.
During a root canal, the dental specialist removes the inflamed, infected root from the tooth, replacing it with artificial packing that helps preserve the remaining tooth's structure. The specialist shaves down the tooth and covers it with a porcelain or composite crown to protect it.
Tooth Replacement
If your tooth is knocked out, you should visit a dentist ASAP and try to preserve it. You have around 30 minutes to visit a dental office if the tooth has to be restored. If you delay seeing the dentist, it could mean having a dental implant, which is expensive. Make an appointment with our periodontist today for a dental procedure.
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