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Custom Dentures Come with Many Perks

Posted on 5/15/2019 by Dr. Castellon
Custom Dentures Come with Many PerksNot all dentures are created equal. If you've ever worn a pair of dentures that doesn't quite fit your mouth, you already know that! Custom dentures, on the other hand, are specifically created to fit your mouth.

There are a number of different reasons why getting custom dentures is the ideal way to go. Here are a few of the perks you'll experience if you have your dentures custom-made.

The Dentures Fit Right

The biggest perk is the fact that custom dentures are designed for your mouth. They will comfortably fit so you don't feel self-conscious or have to worry about them falling out. Every patient we see has a slightly different mouth. Teeth can be different shaped, jawbones may be slightly different, and even the gums vary from person to person.

Because everyone's mouth is different, there can't be a true one-size-fits-all denture solution. Custom dentures take all of your unique features into consideration, creating a pair of dentures that fit you perfectly.

They're Comfortable
Some of our patients are concerned about how dentures will fit. Some have dentures that have made their gums sore. Others find that their dentures are just a little too big or too small, making it actually uncomfortable to wear them. You shouldn't experience either of these issues. Dentures are meant to make your life easier, not cause you pain and discomfort. Custom dentures will be much more comfortable for you to wear since they're designed for your mouth.

You Won't Need Huge Amounts of Adhesive
When you have dentures that fit your mouth perfectly, you won't need to use a large amount of adhesive to hold them in place. You also won't have to be afraid of losing your teeth or having them slip down enough for food to get stuck under them.

Are you in need of dentures? If so, call us today to discuss what custom dentures can do for you.

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