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Reasons Dental Crowns Sometimes Come Loose

Posted on 12/21/2020 by Dr. Castellon
Reasons Dental Crowns Sometimes Come LooseDental crowns are protective caps that fit over broken/damaged teeth, or onto a dental implant. They are essential to protecting and providing function to your teeth, and so it is important to make sure that you avoid actions that are known to loosen them. Keep reading to discover why your crowns could loosen, and what you can do to keep them functioning properly for as long as possible.

Don't Loosen Up

In addition to broken/damaged teeth, crowns may also be used to: protect teeth from more tooth decay, make cosmetic adjustments, and to cover large fillings or severely discolored teeth. You can never be too careful when it comes to preserving the structural integrity of your crowns, and that starts with understanding how your crowns can become loose.

A very common way for your crowns to loosen is through consumption of sticky and viscous foods; these foods tend to adhere to the surface of your crowns and exert pressure on them as you open your mouth, and while it may not immediately feel like you are doing damage, repeatedly doing this gradually loosens your crowns bond. Along similar lines, eating food that you have to bite into also applies uneven pressure that could eventually loosen your crowns, so it is best to be very careful when eating these foods or to try to avoid consuming them in the tradition way.

Obviously, high impacts can apply enough pressure to loosen or dislodge crowns, so try to minimize the probability of such an event; properly fitting mouthguards and more cautious actions can greatly work in your favor. Grinding or clenching your teeth excessively may also decrease the strength of your crowns bond over time, leading to a loose crown. Lastly, cavities and other forms of tooth decay can lead to decreased bonding area and other structural issues that can cause your crown to become loose.

We hope that this information helps you to prolong the functionality and structural integrity of your crowns. If you have additional questions, or would like to schedule an appointment, please give our office a call.

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