In the event of the loss of one or more of your teeth, your normal eating and speaking habits get disrupted. Dentures are one way to solve this problem. Dentures are prosthetic models that fit into your mouth to replace the missing teeth to restore normal dental functions. Dentures are made by replicating a model of the inside surfaces of your mouth. The model clearly depicts every detail, including the spaces from the missing teeth. If you are a candidate for a denture procedure, our professionals will give you a soft bit of foam to bite down on the foam, which takes the shape and size of your dental structures. Once the model is complete, our professionals send it to the lab where the dentures are manufactured. The process of getting dentures takes a bit of time. However, some dentures take a shorter time to process. These dentures are made as a temporary solution as you wait for your full dentures. Here is what it takes to make you a candidate for same-day dentures.
Candidates for Same-Day Dentures
If you have already had your teeth extracted at our facilities, the process of getting dentures should take a shorter time for you. This is because the tooth extraction process also takes time. Should you have already gone through the process, you are a candidate for same-day dentures. If you have widespread tooth decay or periodontal disease, you also qualify for same-day dentures at our offices. You will be able to walk in and out with your smile restored. If you have a large number of teeth missing, your dentures should also be ready for you within the same day.
The importance of your dental health cannot be understated. Keeping your dentures safe and clean will also contribute to your wellbeing. Be sure to contact us or visit our clinics to get your dentures in the best and most convenient way for you.
Dental Blog | Dallas Prosthodontics - Dallas, TX Drs. Castellon and Buskin are offering this educational blog as a resource to our patients and the community. We hope that this blog will help you. Learn more. Dallas Prosthodontics, 6029 Belt Line Road, Suite 120, Dallas, TX 75254 ~ (972) 503-7200 ~ ~ 2/13/2025 ~ Associated Words: Prosthodontist Dallas TX ~